

Our Audit Service Line includes various types of audits

  • Company Audit
  • Income Tax Audit
  • GST Audit
  • Transfer Pricing Audit
  • Process Audit
  • Secretarial Audit

Internal Financial Control Audits

Statutory Auditors of Companies are required to report on adequacy of Internal Financial Controls (IFC) of the company. As a pre-requisite to such reporting by the auditors, the board is also required to ensure that the IFC in place is adequate and operating effectively. We assist the management in ensuring the above before certifying the same.

Audit Support

Before your statutory auditors step in, you need to ensure that your books are ready for audit. We provide end-to-end support in finalizing your books of accounts, submitting data required by the auditors, preparing financials, and ensure that the audit sails through without any hassles.

Physical Stock Inspections

Our professional team of experts ensure your business operations are not hampered during the stock inspection as we put in a combined effort to conduct the physical stock inspection in the most sophisticated and efficient manner.

Accounting Compliances

With growing advents in accounting, assurance towards compliance with laws and regulations is of utmost importance. Our team performs an all round accounting and compliance review ensuring your business confirms to the statutory requirements./p>

Special Purpose Audits

Apart from statutory purposes, management maybe interested in getting an audit conducted with focus on specific areas. Our specialised team understands the very objective of conducting the audit accomplishes the same accordingly.